10 Things I Wish I Knew When I Started ‘Hogwarts Legacy’

2023-03-10 09:50:12 By : Mr. Gawain Tang

Hogwarts Legacy is officially out today, but Early Access players like me have been going since Tuesday, and some press had codes well before that. And, given that I’ve put something like 20 hours in three days, I do in fact have some advice to give out here.

1. Your House Essentially Does Not Matter

I will probably do a whole separate article on this, but from the looks of it, House sorting is almost purely cosmetic in Hogwarts Legacy and does not have really any meaningful impact on the game. It affects your robes, your common hall looking distinctive, and some initial characters you’ll talk to first, but you will talk to those same characters eventually starting from any house, and “big” characters like Natty and Sebastian do not change based on your house. Nor do almost any major or minor quests that I can see thus far, even if your house gets mentioned in dialogue from time to time. There is one instance where each house will get a variant version of a single quest in the main storyline, but that’s the only thing I’ve found. Hufflepuff’s version takes them to Azkaban, but I’m not sure if it’s worth a full Hufflepuff playthrough just for that.

This one took me way too long. I kept trying to spin the map around to pick the little floo exits, or try to remember where a particular classroom was by hovering over them all. Don’t do this! If you are trying to go to a specific place you can simply select it from the list on the side, which will be especially useful once you have to go places like the Room of Requirement often. Sometimes picking a floo exit in the 3D map will be good if you’re going to a nebulous objective, but mainly the side list is better.

3. Don’t Forget Transmog Exists

I guarantee you that most people will miss the incredibly quick prompt about transmog, meaning you can make your character look however you want while wearing the stats of your best gear. On PC you hit F for fashion to go into that menu, some other button on console, when hovered over that item. You are free to delete old gear as it will save the transmog look anyway. Some gear you acquire is only for transmog, and it’s some of the better-looking items.

4. Try To Fast Travel Less Than You Might Otherwise

While Hogwarts Legacy has its pros and cons, one place where it shines is the sheer detail of it, particularly within Hogwarts itself. While yes, you can floo travel all around, I would highly recommend often not doing that when possible so you see more of the castle. And over time, more and more secrets will reveal themselves based on questlines and your growing abilities.

5. Buy The Spell Row Upgrades

Why can’t I hold all these spells? You will soon find yourself overloaded with spells that range from combat to furniture building to animal feeding. There are way, way too many all jammed into four slots, so you need to buy at least the upgrades that give you four rows of four slots. And trust me, that’s still not enough. I know combat upgrades are tempting, but trust me, you are going to want the extra spell slots in short order.

Few ways here. Eyeball chests are far and away the best gold source, 500 per pop. You can open these when you are invisible, but there are a limited amount of the map. Next best options is selling all your underpowered gear to a vendors. Vendors never run out of money so you can sell as much as you want there on any trip. Later, you will earn the ability to capture animals like Pokémon and you can sell them to a local animal merchant. She’s not eating them, she’s putting them up for adoption, don’t worry.

I wrote a whole separate guide about this but the gist of it is that there are 10 symbols over these doors that correspond from 0-9, left to right. The number in the middle is the sum of three numbers on the side. Use the existing number and the symbol equivalent number to find the third number. Then put that symbol into the switch for both triangles based on the math for each.

No trick to this one. You simply have to progress through the main questline until you hit a mission with the caretaker, Mr. Moon, who will teach you how to pick locks with a spell. You will then be tasked with finding a number of statues that you can only get at night around the entire map to upgrade to level 2 and 3 locks. This is the easiest lockpicking minigame I’ve ever seen so I’m not even going to explain it (fine fine, rotate each ring until gears start to turn. Hold in place as both gears turn to open).

9. Don’t Put Off The Main Quest Too Long

Believe me, I know, I like doing sidequests and wandering around getting into trouble too. But at least at first, there are a huge number of important mechanics and big spells that you need to learn through the main questline. I’d go pretty hard until you unlock pets, as it slows down a little bit after that. But between the start and then you’ll get loads of spells, the room of requirement, brooms and then finally mounts. Which leads me to:

10. Don’t Go Nuts In The Larger Map Before You Get A Broom

I know that the wide world of the Hogwarts countryside is super duper appealing once you first unlock it. But while you can explore it by foot, you may find you’re going to wear yourself out before you at least unlock the broom to make things a bit easier. That’s during the main questline where you’ll be taking flying class, and it’s a fairly short ways into the story. I just don’t want you to think you have to hike the furthest reaches of the map on foot like it’s Skyrim or something.

That’s all I got for now, I may do more over time.

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