CNC Ycm7- 3p , 4p molded case circuit breaker made in China

Fine workmanship ycm7  3P,4P Moulded Case Circuit Breaker MCCBGeneral                                                                        &nbs

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Fine workmanship ycm7  3P,4P Moulded Case Circuit Breaker MCCB

YCM7, YCM7RT, YCM7T/A, YCM7RE series circuit breaker is a new generation of
This breaker is applied for the distribution network of AC 50Hz, rated insulation
voltage 800V, rated working current up to 800A, which is for electric energy
distribution, circuit protection, protection power supply facility from destroying by
the fault of overloading, short circuit and undervoltage, meanwhile it is also used for
protection from unfrequent starting, over loading, short circuit and undervoltage of
the motor.
This breaker has such characteristics as high short circuit interrupting capacity, short
arcing and etc., which is a ideal product for users. This breaker can be installed
vertically, and also horizontally
This breaker comply with standard IEC60947-2.
Product Features
1.Miniaturization design
Product volume miniaturization can meet the customer's personality needs of the
product installation size.
2.Size uniform
The same shell level, different breaking capacity (S, M), different functions (air,
leakage) product installation size is completely consistent.
3.The function of the reasonable parameter setting
Circuit breaker can realize long-time delay overload inverse time, short circuit
instantaneous action protection functions such as parameter setting, users can set
their own protective properties required, the distribution network is used in the
circuit breaker on the lower level with more reasonable
Suitable Working Encironment and Mstallation Condition
1.Altitude less than 2000m
2.Ambient medium temperature is from -5ºC to +40ºC (+45ºC for shipping product)
3.Humidity resistance
4.Bacteria resistance
5.Nuelear radiation resistance
6.Max lean degree is 22.5 degree.
7.Can operate normally when it comes to vibrataion of ship.
8.Can operate normally when it comes to earthquake(4g).
9.The medium should be no risk of blasting and can't erode the metal and damage
insulating gas as well as conductive dust.
10.Work in the places where is no rain and snow.
Circuit Breaker Component
CNC Ycm7-3p, 4p China Manufacture MCCB Circuit Breaker
1. Auxiliary contact                                                                                       6. Front connection plate           
2. Alarm contact                                                                                           7. Motor driven operation mechanism    
3. Shunt release                                                                                           8. Extended manual operation handle
4. Undervoltage release                                                                               9. Plug in rear connection
5. Interphase barrier                                                                                    10. Rear connection plate
Selection Guide  
YCM7-125MP/ 4300-125A2AQ1D1Q2
TypeFrame InmBreaking capacity ICU/ICS(kA)OperationPoles
MCCB125, 160, 250, 630, 800
125 Frame upgrade from 63
160 Frame upgrade from 125
250 Frame upgrade from 225
630 Frame upgrade from 400
                          S                    M
125                 15/8
160                 25/18
250                 25/18
400                 35/25              50/35
630                                        50/35
800                                        50/35
P: Motor-driven
Z: Rotory handle
W: Direct
3: 3P
4: 4P
Tripping mode and inner accessoryRated current(A)ApplicationOption for 4P MCCB
First figure means tripping unit way
2: Only with magnetic release
3: Thermal release+,magnetic release body
The last two figures means accessory code
(see accessories list)
125 ;   63, 80, 100, 125

160 ;   63, 80, 100, 125, 140, 160

250 ;  100, 125, 140, 160, 180,200, 225, 250

400 ;  250, 315, 350, 400

630 ;   500, 630

800 ;  500, 630, 700, 800
1. Power distribution
2. Motor-protection
A: N pole without
 N pole is always ON
B: N pole without
 N pole makes with the
 other three poles
Accessory voltageMotor-driven operation voltageConnectionConnection plate
UVT              Shunt             Auxiliary
Q1: AC220V     F1: AC220V       J1: AC125V
Q2: AC240V     F2: AC380V       J2: AC250V
Q3: AC380V     F3: DC110V       J3: DC125
Q4: AC415V     F4: DC24V        J4: DC24V

DC1               DC3
D1: AC220V     D5: AC220V
D2: AC230V     D6: AC110V
D3: AC380V     D7: DC220V
D4: AC400V     D8: DC110V
             D9: AC110~240V
            D10: DC100~220V
Q: Front
H: Rear
C: Plug-in
1: W/O
2: W

Inner Accessories
CNC Ycm7-3p, 4p China Manufacture MCCB Circuit Breaker
Technical Data
Number of poles3,43,43,4
ProductsCNC Ycm7-3p, 4p China Manufacture MCCB Circuit BreakerCNC Ycm7-3p, 4p China Manufacture MCCB Circuit BreakerCNC Ycm7-3p, 4p China Manufacture MCCB Circuit Breaker
Rated current(A)63, 80, 100, 12563, 80, 100,
125, 140, 160
100, 125, 140, 160, 180,
200, 225, 250
Rated voltage Ue(V)AC400V/AC690VAC400V/AC690VAC400V/AC690V
Rated insulation voltage Ui(V)AC800VAC800VAC800V
Short-circuit breaking
capacity Icu/1cs(kA)
Operation life (cycle)ON100010001000
Motor-driven operation
External rotary handle
Automatic tripping deviceThermo-magneticThermo-magneticThermo-magnetic
Number of poles3,43,43,4
ProductsCNC Ycm7-3p, 4p China Manufacture MCCB Circuit BreakerCNC Ycm7-3p, 4p China Manufacture MCCB Circuit Breaker
Rated voltage Ue(V)250, 315, 350, 400500, 630500, 630, 700, 800
Rate current(A)AC400V/AC690VAC400V/AC690VAC400V/AC690V
Rated insulation voltage Ui(V)AC800VAC800VAC800V
Short-circuit breaking
capacity Icu/1cs(kA)
Operation life (cycle)ON100010001000
Motor-driven operation
External rotary handle
Automatic tripping deviceThermo-magneticThermo-magneticThermo-magnetic
 ▪Means accessory as option
Characteristic Featur
1.Inverse time breaking action property of the over current release of the breaker (for power distribution) at the status that all poles
and electrified simultaneously under abrent temp 40ºC.
Test currentCurrent timeConventional timeInitial status
Conventional non-trip current1.05≥1h≥2hCold status
Conventional trip current1.3<1h<2hHot status

2.When ambient temperature is ±40ºC for electrmotor protection breaker, power on for every pole, inverse time limit characteristic
of no temperature compensation is in the following sheet.
Test currentCurrent timeConventional timeInitial status
Conventional non-trip current1≥1h≥2hCold status
Conventional trip current1.2<1h<2hHot status
3.Action property of the short-circuit release of the breaker
`Instant trip (for power distribution) I=10In
`Instant trip (for motor protection) I=12In
`Current setting accuracy ±20%
Company Introduction

CNC Ycm7-3p, 4p China Manufacture MCCB Circuit Breaker

CNC Electric Group Co., Ltd. is a non-regional enterprise group approved and registered by the National Industrial and Commercial Bureau. Under drastic market competition, we are always trying to develop the national industry and depend on technology and technique. Thus, our company has developed into one of the largest trans-regional, conglomerate and trans-national enterprises on scale and developing potentiality.

CNC Ycm7-3p, 4p China Manufacture MCCB Circuit Breaker

Factory Lines
CNC Ycm7-3p, 4p China Manufacture MCCB Circuit Breaker

CNC Ycm7-3p, 4p China Manufacture MCCB Circuit Breaker

      1. We Are Supplier of Three Gorges Project,China National Petroleum,Sinopec Group;
      2. China Famous Export Enterprise,  Our Products Sale in Over 100 Countries;
      3. Our Laboratory is China Key Industrial Electrical Laboratory;
      4. We have completely sales service system, ensure every detail is going smooth.
      5. We have new designed products each year by our R&D Dpartment.
      6. Perfect testing system ensure each product is qualified.
      7. Want know more of us? Waiting for your inquiry.

CNC Ycm7-3p, 4p China Manufacture MCCB Circuit Breaker

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